Las Vegas.

Resource Roundup

Las Vegas.

This is a curated collection of resources to guide and support the efforts of adults who work with children as they process the tragedy that occurred in Las Vegas on Oct. 1, 2017. 
This is not enough. This is one place to start. We'll be updating this page as more resources and information become available. If you are reading this page, it is because you are intentional in your approach to help your community. As with any topic, utilize developmentally appropriate, sensitive strategies. Take care of yourself so that you can be present for your children, and to model healthy behaviors. Be honest, be safe, and know that you are doing sacred work and you are not alone.

"Help Your Students Reflect on The Tragic Las Vegas Shooting" from Facing History
National Education Association's Article: "Mass Shooting In Las Vegas: How To Talk To Students"
"What You Can Do After Las Vegas" by Jordana Horn
"A Kaddish after Gun Violence: For When Humanity Fails Itself" by Rabbi Paul Kipnes

General resources for addressing this difficult topic:
National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement's Guide "Talking to Kids about Tragedies (Such as Shootings and Terror Attacks) in the News"
"Empowering Young People in the Aftermath of Hate" from the ADL
"Gun Violence and Mass Shootings" A Guide for Family Conversations with Kids 13+ from the ADL
"Helping Children and Adolescents Deal with Violence and Disasters" from the National Institute of Mental Health
"Helping Children Cope After a Traumatic Event" from the Child Mind Institute
American Academy of Pediatric's Guidelines: "Talking to Children About Tragedies and Other News Events"
Jewish Education Center of Cleveland's "Responding To Crisis" Curriculum
The Religious Action Center's Gun Violence Prevention Community Resource Guide

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Tagged in Tragedy in Pittsburgh