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Besamim (Spice) Projects
Projects & Crafts

The Bible Belt Balabusta offers several different options of hands on educational crafts and activities to explore the Besamim associated with Havdalah: "Besamim work is a rich, smelly, hands-on opportunity to create memorable links to Shabbat (and to being Jewish)....... More

Words and music copyright by Karen Daniel, 1997,www....... More

Edible Havdalah Candles
Projects & Crafts

Bible Belt Balabusta offers a delightful and creative way to teach about Havdalah....... More

English words & music: Noam Katz, www....... More

Etrog Besamim
Projects & Crafts

Bible Belt Balabusta suggests a way to re-use etrogim after Sukkot to make them useful for Havdalah for weeks after Sukkot ends....... More

Lyrics: Chorus: Shalom Shabbat, Shalo-o-om Shabbat Shalom Shabbat, Shalo-o-om Shabbat Havdalah is when we say goodbye to Shabbat, Havdalah is when we say goodbye to Shabbat....... More

This sing-a-long video featuring Elana Jagoda singing the most common blessings and songs associated with Havdallah, created by Moishe House Rocks, is a great way to explore, introduce or reinforce the your community's understanding of the ritual....... More

A hand-on experience for children as they celebrate and learn about Havdalah from the Bible Belt Balabusta: "What if you want kids to make Havdalah candles and you don’t have the time and materials (or inclination) for nice, beeswax versions? I’m the first to admit that candles from scratch can be a big to-do—even just the simple, rolled sheets....... More

Music/Hebrew & English lyrics: Noam Katz, www....... More

Composed by Sam Glaser ©1994 Glaser Musicworks www....... More

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