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Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE HE How do our students integrate the significance ofYom Kippurand the Jewish ValueofT’Shuvahinto their own lives? How well,or to what degree, do theyconsider thosethingsfor whichtheywould like to ask forgiveness?These are questions parents, educators, and clergy often ask....... More

Charlottesville and Beyond
Games & Activities

This information is created by and presented with permission from ADL-Anti Defamation League....... More

Categories:  Visit The Sick 

When his friend Daisy gets sick, Peter sends her gifts, more each day of the week, until she feels better.This is a great book for a math activity.  Each day the boy sends special treats to Daisy.


This lesson comes from a unit called "Do Not Stand Idly By" onwww....... More

This well-researched, large format book describes the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party, and World War II and its aftermath, through the eyes of twelve ordinary young people in Germany including those who participated in the Hitler Youth movement and those who resisted....... More

This lesson comes from a unit called "Do Not Stand Idly By" onwww....... More

A detailed account of the Palestinian terrorist attack on a group of Israeli athletes and its aftermath. More

A riotous romp through Noah’s Ark (to the tune of Old MacDonald) After building his ark and loading it with animals, Old MacNoah must deal with mealtimes and their aftermath on the high seas! Move over Old MacDonald! The rain is falling fast on Noah, and the animals refuse to stay quiet....... More

This lesson by Tolerance....... More

This lesson comes from a unit called "Do Not Stand Idly By" onwww....... More

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